Multimedia Gallery


The Multimedia Gallery block is a versatile solution for showcasing diverse content types, from team member profiles to blog posts. Featuring a prominent large post with supporting posts displayed in a gallery-like layout, it captivates users and keeps their attention focused on your most engaging content.


In the overview tab, you can select specific posts to display in your Multimedia Gallery. If you want a live feed of your posts, skip this tab.


You can select your desired Post Type, how many posts you would like to display, filter by Categories, and select post order preferences in the Sorting tab.


The Multimedia Gallery block offers unparalleled customization options, making it a versatile solution for various applications across your website. It provides consistent, familiar user interactions while enabling unique, tailored configurations for different pages.

Easily control which metadata to display, adjust image cropping, and explore countless other customization possibilities.

Active Post

Details go here.

Preview Bar

Details go here.


Details go here.

Client Examples